Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Truth About The Model Minority - 1967 Words

Daniel Do English 102 Dr. Vargas February 26, 2015 Research Paper: The Truth about the Model Minority â€Å"Hey you’re good at math†, â€Å"Hey you’re dumb for an Asian†, â€Å"Well of course he’s good at that, he’s Asian†. These are the phrases that defined my childhood and still are relevant to my daily life. These are phrases are a part of what society calls today â€Å"The Model Minority Myth†. This all started during World War II, where Chinese and Japanese Americans adopted a plan to promote assimilation with the American people. With this plan, they succeeded in proving to America, that they worked harder, were more focused on education to gain their success. While the other minorities protest to get civil rights, the Asians gained their rights by just†¦show more content†¦It robs them of their own path. It sets a path for them, whether it may be good or bad. Although its not the end of the world for them, it could set up a nightmarish future for the Asian children. Those Asians are left in the dark, those Asians are looking at long and dark road with no aid what so ever. By putting all Asians into one category, is no different than the racial discrimination of the 1960s in the United States of America towards African Americans. Although not as bad, the general idea is the same. In today’s society, where we promote equality and fairness, how are we going to let the Model Minority run rampant? Although the Model Minority may seem positive, it has dire consequences. The Model Minority myth not only effects the education system but altercations with the law as well. â€Å"There is the story of Kuanchang Kao, an intoxicated Chinese-American fatally shot in 1997 by police threatened by his â€Å"martial arts† moves.†(Why Ferguson Should Matter to Asian Americans) As said in the article, this incident parallels the incident that has happened in Ferguson but did not receive national attention that the Ferguson case has gotten. This is mostly like due to the Model Minority. As it puts Asian Americans in a spotlight of success and makes Asian Americans disregard the validity of their struggles. Jack Linshi says that due to the Model Minority the idea of the Asian American struggle has been erased from the American

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